[TxMt] Re: synctex support in LaTeX bundle

Will Robertson wspr81 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 8 17:46:49 UTC 2008

On 09/08/2008, at 1:07 AM, Charilaos Skiadas wrote:
> I've been subscribed to the mactex mailing list for a while now, but
> I must be missing something. How do I get this beta?

Are you sure you're not subscribed to the "TeX on Mac OS X" mailing  
list, or whatever it's called? :) I looked for something like your  
email in the subscribers list and didn't see anything similar.

The MacTeX list is very low traffic and deals primary with new  
versions of TeX software that need testing or whatever.

> And is it in the
> standard format where a preference pane can be used to switch back
> and forth between different distributions?


> Now, apart from that, am I correct that all textmate would need to do
> once it detects the presence of synctex, is to signal to the viewer
> in the exact same way that it did for pdfsync?

I haven't looked into the details but I'm pretty sure the syntax would  
be similar if not identical. One minor change is that the sync file is  
now gz-compressed to save some bytes. Otherwise, I suspect there might  
be other minimal changes resulting from the fact that the engine  
itself is generating this data rather than LaTeX macros.

Hope this helps,
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