[TxMt] POLL: HTML CodeSense?

Thomas Aylott (subtleGradient) oblivious at subtlegradient.com
Tue Jul 31 23:18:18 UTC 2007


I've been thinking about doing a smart codecompletion thing for HTML.
Then maybe CSS too.

The way it would work would be similar to how CSSEdit and Dreamweaver  
code completion works.
Inside of an HTML tag, you hit space to bring up a list of attributes  
that are valid for that tag.
Outside of an HTML tag you hit a key command or tab completion to  
bring up a list of tags.

Also, it should be smart enough to insert xhtml tags or html4.0 tags  
depending on the doctype.

Pretty simple really, but I'm not sure if people really want me to  
share this or just do it for myself.

So, if you would use such a feature, please reply to this message.
Please also reply with what other features you'd like to see in this.


	thomas Aylott — subtleGradient — CrazyEgg — sixteenColors

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