[TxMt] Re: Markdown folding (redux)

Laudun John jlaudun at mac.com
Sun Jan 21 17:16:59 UTC 2007

> Yeah, that's because folding patterns aren't currently  
> sophisticated enough to
> allow folding for markdown lists, sections (between headings),  
> quotations, etc.
>  Hopefully this will be different in TextMate 2.0.  We'll have to  
> see how Allan
> decides to make folding work.  If it's based on scope, I hope we'll  
> be able to
> fold all of the above.
> If you want to have some other folding mechanism, you could make  
> the folding
> pattern more complicated, but it would require mirrored beginning  
> and ending
> markers of some sort.

Would it be possible to set it up so that two returns mark the end of  
a section to be folded? I ask be cause I'm in the habit of using two  
returns anyway to visually signal the end of a heading and if it were  
possible to set this up via the Bundle editor, my life would be good.


# Heading

Some text here.

* Maybe a list.

More text here.

# Another Heading.

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