[TxMt] Problems Typesetting and Viewing PDF Files

Christian Bogen christian.bogen at fastmail.fm
Fri Jan 19 10:27:23 UTC 2007

Am 18.01.2007 um 17:29 schrieb Charilaos Skiadas:

> So yes, you do need a hard-coded directory. Hopefully this will fix  
> the problems you are having.

Strange, for me it's still working without the path in the  
TM_LATEX_MASTER variable. But I'm also still using the stock LaTeX  
bundle and an SVN checkout (plus the paths to the LaTeX projects have  
no spaces in them).

BTW, is the TM_TSCOPE variable no longer necessary if TeXniscope  
resides in a directory other than '/Applications'? I couldn't find it  
in the bundle help anymore ...


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