[TxMt] Git bundle: sh: line 2: git: command not found /tmp/temp_textmate.j2NZhz:4

Alain Ravet alain.ravet+textmate at gmail.com
Wed Dec 12 16:03:28 UTC 2007

Hi all,

I've just installed the Git bundle (on Tiger), and I keep getting
those error messages :

Git log =>
   /tmp/temp_textmate.U9qQdq:4: command not found: git log _notes.markdown

Gits status =>
   sh: line 2: git: command not found /tmp/temp_textmate.j2NZhz:4:
command not found: git ls-files -o --exclude-per-directory=.gitignore
/tmp/temp_textmate.j2NZhz:4: command not found: git ls-files -m

Note: when I run those commands in the terminal, they work fine.


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