Subversion flaw (was: [TxMt] OCaml Syntax Highlighting)

Allan Odgaard throw-away-1 at
Thu Sep 14 21:14:29 UTC 2006

On 14/9/2006, at 23:03, William D. Neumann wrote:

> [...] This happened to me a week or so ago, when one of my  
> revisions had to be rolled back because it thought a really old  
> version of the grammar was up to date.  If you run svn up and still  
> have this issue, then if might be best to scrap the lot and do a  
> fresh checkout.

In the interest of sharing, this also just happened for Michael  
Sheets, who thus did similar to an HTML grammar change I’d committed.

This would seem to be a rather serious flaw in svn -- anyone familiar  
with this flaw? i.e. is it known/reproducible/PIBCAC/similar?

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