[TxMt] Re: a request on GTDalt bundle: flexible input

Charilaos Skiadas skiadas at hanover.edu
Thu Nov 9 16:02:44 UTC 2006

On Nov 9, 2006, at 10:19 AM, Mark Eli Kalderon wrote:
> Piero, I don't know how to do what you want or even if it is  
> possible, but let me second Mark's suggestion here---it really is  
> more efficient to have complex info broken up into different files.  
> TextMate's projects make it easy to keep on top of them. I do  
> something similar. Within the context of a project I found it  
> actually *easier* to maintain. Though of course there are always  
> costs to changing workflow but these are minor and temporary. Sorry  
> not to be of more help.

First of all keep in mind, that actions CAN appear outside of  
projects, all on their own. This is not going to change.

Let me first of all "third" the two Marks' points and suggestions.  
This is partly the reason I have not allowed this at the moment. The  
other was for easier troubleshooting in the early stages. I have been  
thinking about it though, and might make a change official at some  

What basically is going on now is that the main parser throws an  
exception whenever it finds something that it can't handle. You can  
change this behavior, and I am about to describe how, but before I do  
so let me issue a warning, that this might have unfortunate  
repercussions. If for whatever reason one of your action lines cannot  
be processed properly, because a bracket is misplaced or something,  
then GTDAlt will simply ignore it and not tell you anything about it.  
This would however allow you to add arbitrary lines anywhere in your  

Second, before I move with the other suggestion, let me also point  
out that you can already add any lines you like, *provided* they are  
commented, namely starting with a # and a space after it. These  
comments will simply be ignored by the parser.

If you do still want to allow any arbitrary lines to show up in your  
file, then you have open the file Support/GTD.rb that lives within  
the bundle, and locate line 41, which says:

         else raise "Parse error on line: #{l}\n. This is not a line  
I recognize."

Then simply remove this line.

> All the best, Mark


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