[TxMt] pdf viewer application

Dr. Drang drdrang at gmail.com
Thu Jun 29 14:03:00 UTC 2006

On Jun 29, 2006, at 7:06 AM, Claus Haslauer wrote:
> Is there somewhere in preview the option to "refresh the view", so  
> that the changes in the pdf file appear?

Preview has a Revert command under its File menu which will read the  
current version of the document off the disk. It's what I use when  
editing/updating PDF documents from LaTeX. It doesn't have a  
keystroke equivalent, but you could add one in the Keyboard  
Preference Pane.

Preview doesn't seem to be AppleScriptable (it doesn't show up in the  
list when I do an Open Dictionary in Script Editor), so you'd  
probably have to do some GUI scripting if you wanted to automate the  
Revert command.

Dr. Drang

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