[TxMt] python call stuck in bash startup

Marc-André Cournoyer macournoyer at yahoo.ca
Thu Jun 22 15:10:55 UTC 2006

I'm MAC OS newbie, and I'm giving TextMate a try to code in python.  
But afther running the script from TextMate (shift+apple+R) a couple  
of times, everytime I open up a new bash shell the same command  
execute at startup:

    Last login: Thu Jun 22 10:37:33 on ttyp1
    clear; cd '/Users/macournoyer/ecole/log620/lab2/src'; 'pythonw' '/ 
Users/macournoyer/ecole/log620/lab2/src/stats.py'; rm -f ''
    Welcome to Darwin!
    mac:~ macournoyer$ clear; cd '/Users/macournoyer/ecole/log620/ 
lab2/src'; 'pythonw' '/Users/macournoyer/ecole/log620/lab2/src/ 
stats.py'; rm -f ''

I check bash startup scripts: /opt/profile and  ~/.bash-profile

I don't know what I did wrong, please help!

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