[TxMt] latex template article_in.tex

Andreas Duus Pape andreaspape at mac.com
Sun Jun 18 16:07:19 UTC 2006

Hello.  I'm interested in modifying the LaTeX Article template.  The  
Article template (from Edit Templates) uses a perl one-liner to  
import a file called "article_in.tex," where, I assume, most of the  
interesting stuff lives.  I can't for the life of me find  
"article_in.tex."  Where is it?  (And the metaquestion, I guess, is  
"if I want to make substantive changes to the latex article template,  
is editing article_in.tex in fact the right thing to do?)

this is the default latex article template code, BTW:

if test \! -e "$TM_NEW_FILE"; then
    TM_YEAR=`date +%Y` \
    TM_DATE=`date +%Y-%m-%d` \
    TM_USERNAME=`niutil -readprop / /users/\$USER realname` \
    AUTHOR_ADDR=$(RA="defaults read AddressBookMe"; cat <<EOA
`$RA FirstName` `$RA LastName`
\\\\ `$RA StreetAddr1`
\\\\ `$RA StreetAddr2`
\\\\ `$RA ZipPostal` `$RA City`
\\\\ `$RA Email`
\\\\ http://www.xxx.yyy/mysite.html
EOA) \
    perl -pe 's/\$\{([^}]*)\}/$ENV{$1}/g' \
       < article_in.tex > "$TM_NEW_FILE"

thanks for your help.


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