[TxMt] adding to or modifying the symbol list for LaTeX?

Charilaos Skiadas cskiadas at uchicago.edu
Thu Jan 26 22:34:21 UTC 2006

On Jan 26, 2006, at 2:01 AM, Christof Janssen wrote:

> Am 26. Jan 2006 um 07:53 schrieb Matthias Damm:
> I second Matthias here, I use komascript regularly. Just want to  
> point out that the manual is scrguide.pdf !
Well, since we've got at least two people, and provided it does not  
break regular LaTeX syntax, if you and Matthias can create a list of  
the new commands that should be recognized (I'm assuming it does more  
things than just the sectioning stuff?), then I'll be happy to  
incorporate it into the current syntax. If along the way you also  
create a test file, so that I can add it to the already existing test  
file, that would be great.

> Christof


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