[TxMt] Still Stuck with HTML
Lloyd Williams
wlw3 at mac.com
Fri Dec 15 16:13:59 UTC 2006
Installed PHP Markdown 1.0.1d as plugin on WP as follows:
> 1. To use PHP Markdown with WordPress, place the
> “makrdown.php” file in the “plugins” folder. This folder is
> located inside “wp-content” at the root of your site:
> (site home)/wp-content/plugins/
> 2. Activate the plugin with the administrative interface of
> WordPress. In the “Plugins” section you will now find Markdown.
> To activate the plugin, click on the “Activate” button on the
> same line than Markdown. Your entries will now be formatted by PHP
> Markdown.
> 3. To post Markdown content, you’ll first have to disable
> the “visual” editor in the User section of WordPress.
> You can configure PHP Markdown to not apply to the comments
With language set to Blog - Mark
Fetch post still returns HTML and not markdown. see following:
> Type: Blog Post (Markdown)
> Blog: Lloyd Williams
> Post: 109
> Title: New Website Format
> Date: -4713-12-31 20:00:00 -0400
> Pings: Off
> Comments: Off
> Category: Uncategorized
> Status: Draft
> The new website is a complete redesign. Some of the content has be
> copied over to make the transition faster. Over time all the
> content will be updated. The new format allows for continuous
> updates and additions with ease. In the past the updating with
> tedious and therefore seldom done. The new site no longer involves
> page design and layout, using the latest web technology, Cascading
> Style Sheets (CSS) and PHP I am able to quickly update and change
> the look of the entire site. Archiving and searching of the content
> is greatly enhanced. You are now able to interact with the content
> and the other readers by commenting on the post. You do not have to
> identify yourself and we are using technology to remove spam from
> the posts.
> ✂------✂------✂------✂------✂------✂------✂------
> ✂------✂------✂------
> I would like your input on the following:
> Do you prefer images in the post or text only?
> Do you know how to use RSS feeds?
> Are there specific tops you would like to see discussed?
> This is a test of the upload
> ## head2
> Thsi asjdfo oaj fojao foa ofjaso fos oifj asofoia ofja oifo foia
> oifjofoiaoiaoivaoij foij foj oaifj oa jfoisaj iofjaiojfaoijoia
> joiafj oaij goiajo fjo
> ### head3
> jaodfoaj foiajojfojfoij oa fojoia foa ofi ofj oajo
When I post markdown as draft:
1. Cannot view in preview on WP
2. Tag buttons have changed above the post window in WP from the
default visual editor buttons (so something installed)
3. the iPod image referenced above does not show and as you see it
did not change the url.
Thank you for your help. Lloyd
On Dec 15, 2006, at 11:37 , Fred B wrote:
> In WP, you should install and activate "PHP Markdown 1.0.1d" (and "PHP
> SmartyPants 1.5.1e" if you want).
> Tell us if if you still have any problem.
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