[TxMt] Re: LaTeX: feature suggestions for the LaTeX bundle.

Charilaos Skiadas skiadas at hanover.edu
Sun Dec 3 22:53:53 UTC 2006

On Dec 3, 2006, at 5:07 PM, Maarten Sneep wrote:

> Well, when I originally wrote all this (for BBEdit) I didn't assign  
> any keyboard shortcuts. Especially the open all in current file is  
> a command that can easily be run from a menu, and even "open  
> selection" (when patched to correct for the TeX idiosyncrasies) can  
> reside in the file menu (and have a global scope from there). I  
> don't think that open selection is so important to warrant a really  
> short, and easily overloaded ⌅ shortcut.
It's true, perhaps we don't need a key equivalent, especially since  
TextMate offers a number of ways to locate the command:
1) ctrl-esc, right arrow, "p", right arrow, down arrow, enter, or
2) ctrl-cmd-T, "openinc", enter, or
3) Clicking on the gear button at the bottom of the document

But in general there are a lot of keyboard shortcuts to go around, so  
we tend to associate some keyboard shortcut with each command, unless  
it is really a command that is going to be used very rarely.

In this case I have provisionally used ctrl-cmd-L for this, though  
this is likely to change once we find an better candidate. We might  
also want to rename the command to "Go to somethingorother" to match  
more what it is doing. I tend to think of it a bit like the goto  
commands in the rails bundle.

In a similar vein, we probably want a command that will take you from  
a \ref to the corresponding \label part, or at least show the couple  
of lines after the \label part. And conversely, from the \label part,  
a list of the various \ref's referring to it.

> Maarten


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