[TxMt] BibDesk link

Charilaos Skiadas skiadas at hanover.edu
Thu Aug 24 21:32:41 UTC 2006

Hi Francois, welcome to the TextMate community!
On Aug 24, 2006, at 4:34 PM, Francois wrote:

> Hello,
> As previouslky annouced, here is My 1st question about TextMate 1.5.2
> Watching at LateX video on TextMate site, I saw an interesting  
> functionality : Bibliography completion.
> I well know BibDesk, which I use daily. So, I launched BibDesk,  
> opened a .bib file and went back to TextMate (as shown in the  
> video) and nothing happened ?
The way it works now is that it does not directly use BibDesk, but  
rather what I will now describe. It rather bases itself directly on  
the .bib file that BibDesk allows you to edit in a nicer way. So here  

The way to use a bibliography typically is to have a line like:  
The completion commands will be searching through the bib files that  
are  linked in the document this way. If you really need completion  
through only the current open bib file in BibDesk, then we can talk  
about that, there is a command that does that but we are phasing it  
out because we didn't think it was necessary.

Now, the way the current built in method works is as follows: Suppose  
your bib file contains two entries with cite keys Kask1 and Kalk1,  
and also one with cite key Sam1.
Then in the text you would write, say: \cite{Ka
At this point, the screen would show \cite{Ka} with the cursor right  
before the closing brace. Then you would press escape, which would  
make it look like: \cite{Kalk1}. Pressing escape more times will  
alternate between Kask1 and Kalk1.
Instead you could have pressed opt-esc, which brings you a pop-up of  
Kask1 and Kalk1, along with a bit more info about them, to choose.
You could also have done simply \cite{ and then pressed escape/opt- 
escape, which would have done all the above except it would now  
include Sam1, or any other key you might have in your bib file.
This all requires that \bibiography{bibfilehere} be in your tex file,  
and that your tex file has been saved since then.

Another method is to locate the bibliography item you want in  
BibDesk, and then drag and drop it into the textmate window you want  
it on, at the location you want. This should work, it might require  
some customization in BibDesk first.

Let me/us know if you have any problems.
Also, since you are new to LaTeX in TextMate, we are in the process  
of revising the Help file in the LaTeX bundle. Let us know if there  
are things that are unclear/missing/useful etc.

> Thanks for help
> Francois


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