[TxMt] Some feature requests

Sune Foldager cryo at cyanite.org
Tue Sep 27 09:10:16 UTC 2005

On 26/09/2005, at 17.14, Frédérik Bilhaut wrote:

>> I have never used an editor that indented soft-wrapped lines. I  
>> would think that would be annoying because the editor would  
>> control the indentation, not you.
> I'm talking about *soft* wrapping, so this is just a matter of  
> display.

I'm sure you both are, since you both call it soft wrapping :-p. I  
would like that feature too, but if it doesn't indent kinda like I  
would expect it to, it could end up being worse than no indentation.

-- Sune.

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