[TxMt] PHP "Here document" syntax + coloring

Gerd Knops gerti at bitart.com
Sat Oct 22 06:43:54 UTC 2005

On Oct 21, 2005, at 23:44, minimal.design wrote:

> I was just writing this PHP form thing and I like to use the "here  
> document" syntax for it.  While it technically makes sense that the  
> whole block within the <<<TAG [ ... ] TAG; is colored as a string,  
> it makes it hard to read a large block of let's say HTML (kind of a  
> very usual use for it)...  Is there anyway to keep the HTML within  
> colored as regular HTML?
> Hope my question makes sense :)

Sure, and it can be done. For example in my perl language 'extension'  
I use the definition below:

         {    name = 'string.unquoted.heredoc.quote.html.perl';
             begin = "<< *'HTML' *;";
             end = '^HTML$';
             patterns = ( { include = 'text.html.basic'; } );


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