[TxMt] Seperate 'Open Recent' for Project Files?

Gerd Knops gerti at bitart.com
Wed Nov 9 18:01:11 UTC 2005

On Wed, Nov 9, at 2:39 AM, Allan Odgaard wrote:

> On 09/11/2005, at 5.24, Gerd Knops wrote:
>> [...] Maybe that would be a quick fix for TM? Just overwrite
>> 	- (unsigned int)maximumRecentDocumentCount
>> in NSDocumentController to return a larger number.
> I like the description of that method:
>     The default implementation returns a value that is subject to  
> change
>     and may or may not be derived from a setting made by the user in
>     System Preferences.
It *would* be a good candidate for a system-wide default, alas I  
don't know if one exists...

> I assume the hack you use, use poseAsClass: (as there doesn't seem  
> to be a friendly way to override it)?
poseAsClass: is pretty blunt-force and may cause trouble with other  
things (eg other people's hacks), so I am using a more subtle (and  
more ugly) hack that basically can swap individual methods. But the  
net effect is the same.

BTW I see now that it is not a straight-forward task to subclass  
NSDocumentController, so there goes that idea of a quick fix.


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