[TxMt] Text indent on latest build

Andreas Wahlin andreaswahlin at bredband.net
Sat Nov 5 09:25:21 UTC 2005

I LOVE the textindent, thank you so much!!

Upps, after some testing, I discovered somethnig I'd still like to be  
changed :)
When an empty line, let the caret remain in position, or move it "in"  
just as a tab would have done. Reason; I immediately set up enter to  
be a macro with newline and indent, so all code would immediately get  
indented, and then I used ctrl+enter for just newline, in case I'd  
ever want that. Problem was this behaviour broke rather badly since  
each line without previous text had the caret far to the left. Before  
setting up the macros, I'd only tested it on lines already containing  
text you see..


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