[TxMt] Find and Replace problem?

Charilaos Skiadas skiadas at math.uchicago.edu
Thu Mar 31 02:45:39 UTC 2005

On Mar 30, 2005, at 8:35 PM, Dameron Midgette wrote:

> Hi there!
>     Find and replace in 1.1b5-- search for \t, replace with \s, regex 
> box checked, looking in selected text. I got "s" instead of space:
> 3	Union	Street
> 3sUnionsStreet
> Thanks for your patience!

why use \s instead of " ", i.e. just a space?

> P.S. How do I type 3<tab> without having it become <h3></h3>? The 
> bundle editor didn't reveal any clues.

Doesn't happen to me. what type of file are you editing?

> 											Cheers,
> 											Dameron

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