FTP client (was .. RE: [TxMt] Re: Bare Bones [was: Public to-do list for TM (was: TextileBundle?)

Luc Heinrich lucsky at mac.com
Wed Mar 23 07:01:24 UTC 2005

On 23 mars 2005, at 03:18, David Lee wrote:

> Is the intention to
> A) keep TM a pure editor with a few extra features like edit-over-ftp
> B) allow it to integrate with a few existing apps (standalone FTP 
> clients)
> C) write your own fantastic complementary programs which integrate 
> really
> well with TM
> D) extend TM into something approaching an IDE by adding these to TM 
> itself
> E) ??

E) Provide a comprehensive TM plugin Cocoa API for third parties 
developers, à-la JEdit.

Luc Heinrich - lucsky at mac.com - http://www.honk-honk.com

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