[TxMt] REQ: ctrl-tab toggles focus between textarea and project drawer

Tom Lazar tom at tomster.org
Fri Apr 29 14:00:42 UTC 2005

On Apr 29, 2005, at 11:11 AM, Allan Odgaard wrote:

> but then again, I wouldn't think anyone would tab to the project  
> drawer! ;)
perhaps, then, you don't realize how practical the project drawer  
*is* (even for keyboard junkies like myself) ;-)

my use pattern is this:

- I work in a file and realize I need to open another one, because  
it's related to the one I'm working on (not really esoteric here, so  
     - if the document is open already, I use the command-alt-arrow  
combo to open the tab
     - if not, I either hit Command-t and get what I need
     - or I hit ctrl-tab, use the up, down and right arrows to  
navigate to the file I need and hit return: now, it's open in the  
text area -

obviously, the next thing i want to do is work with the file, now I  
have to press shift-ctrl (not the most ergonmic key-combo under the sun)

so, perhaps an easier and more elegant solution would be to return  
the focus to the text area after hitting return in project drawer...
if I want to stay in the drawer, I just hit ctrl-tab again to return  
and continue.

the project drawer beats command-t hands down in cases where files  
are grouped in one folder but have lots of different names - plus, if  
that folder is already expanded, I *see* the file and just want to  
reach it - without the mouse.

should I start to worry that I've begun to obsess about such little  
workflow related things? is this a known medical condition? *g*

best regards,

Tom Lazar, http://tomster.org

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