[TxMt] Rectangular selections paste badly

Allan Odgaard allan at macromates.com
Thu Oct 28 23:52:28 UTC 2004

On 28. Oct 2004, at 23:12, Drew McLellan wrote:

> But do you not see how it's confusing that paste works differently 
> depending on how the selection was made before the copy?

Well, you did seem to know that the paste was different because you'd 
done a different type of copy!?! so as of such, it wasn't confusing to 
you, you just didn't know how to disable an unwanted feature.

Generally I try to make the default behavior the one that is what I 
think is used the most, and in this case this is "insert as columns", 
and I need more than one example to change my mind ;)

Additionally there is the thing about having a rather easy workaround 
for the default behavior (insert empty lines before pasting), which 
does not require one to learn a new qualifier, which would be the case, 
if the default was "insert as stream" and the opposite was needed.

Kind regards Allan

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