[TxMt] Rectangular selections paste badly

Sune Foldager cryo at diku.dk
Thu Oct 28 10:44:44 UTC 2004

On 28. okt 2004, at 11:44, Drew McLellan wrote:

> I just make a rectangular selection of a column about 20 lines long, 
> and copied it to the clipboard.
> Pasting this further down the document failed to create the extra 
> space needed for the code being pasted, and effectively 'merged' the 
> pasted code with the existing code following the insertion point.
> Hard to explain. Will screen shot the steps if necessary.

I think I know what you mean... pasting columnar selections, will paste 
it back the same way producing the merge you are talking about. This is 
on purpose and by design however. If you really need the extra space 
you will need to press enter a bit yourself beforehand. I suppose it 
could be useful in some circumstances with a paste that forced TM to 
ignore that it is in columnar mode.

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