[TextMate] Find peculiarities

Allan Odgaard allan at macromates.com
Wed Oct 20 16:07:59 UTC 2004

On 20. Oct 2004, at 13:42, Richard Chamberlain wrote:

> If a small portion of text is selected then 'Entire File' appears to 
> work but 'Selected Text' functions the same as Entire File, i.e. it 
> ignores the selected text boundaries.

The “Selected Text” is the _replace_ scope, and so does not limit what 
to be searched (but if people would find this useful, it could be 
changed, personally though, I think it'd be more trouble than good).

With regard to not finding anything, when you select all. This is 
because currently TextMate actually searches from the end of the 
current selection, to (if wrap around is enabled) the beginning of the 

The reason for this is that if you e.g. search for a single word, and 
that word is found, find next should not find the same word (if there 
is only a single instance of that word), which is why I do not search 
the selection (since what you just found ends up being selected).

But seeing how Sune wants replace to be smart and only replace if the 
selection is actually the result of a find, I could fix the above in 
the same go (i.e. only dismiss searching in the selection, if it stems 
from a previous find operation).

Kind regards Allan

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