[TextMate] Couple little gnats

Phil Aaronson phil at hinkty.com
Mon Oct 18 00:04:19 UTC 2004

On Oct 17, 2004, at 1:08 PM, Jeroen wrote:
> Yes! TextMate is *not* a word processor, it is a text processor! 
> Everything you do with TextMate results in a file with plain text, 
> where no fonts are defined, no italics, no underline, no folding, just 
> the text. The way things look is simply a result of the workings of 
> TextMate. The result of this is also that you can grab any editor and 
> work on the same file: use TextMate, TextPad, vi(m), emacs, 
> SubEthaEdit, BBEdit, etc.

Sure, the output is plain text. I'm there. But TextMate doesn't exist 
in a vacuum. We all use word processors. Take vim (I'm not a BBEdit 
user which may be adding to my confusion here), if I fold some text in 
vim, say ':.,.+5 fo' to fold the next 5 lines under the cursor. Undo 
('u') undoes the fold. Its what I've been trained to expect.


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