[TextMate] Open current file through http://localhost/ (was: TextMate v1.0 Feedback)

Allan Odgaard allan at macromates.com
Sat Oct 16 18:36:23 UTC 2004

On 16. Oct 2004, at 20:15, Max wrote:

> I'm developing a web application in PHP. Is there any chance to work 
> on a php page, and then see if it works through 
> http://localhost/mypage with a command? Just like F12 from 
> Dreamweaver... Or do I have to switch to Safari and click on the 
> bookmark I made?

I don't know what Dreamweaver does on F12, but you can do a command 
like this:

open `echo $TM_FILEPATH | sed 

Before running command: probably save ;)
Input/output: none/discard

If you are editing a page named:

It will open Safari (if default browser) and point it to:

And you can of course assign F12 to this command.

Kind regards Allan

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