[TextMate] Bookmarks (was: Project file drawer)

Phil Aaronson phil at hinkty.com
Wed Oct 13 12:10:59 UTC 2004

On Oct 13, 2004, at 12:50 AM, Allan Odgaard wrote:

> On 13. Oct 2004, at 0:40, Phil Aaronson wrote:
>> As a follow up, I just started getting into the bookmark feature, 
>> unfortunately when I quit out those seem to get dropped on the floor 
>> as well (like the folder inclusion patterns).
> With regard to the folder inclusion patterns, these should _not_ be 
> dropped if you set it for the actual folder reference (as opposed to 
> one of the sub folders). I will improve this (scheduled for 1.0.3), 
> where I'll also save which sub folders were expanded etc.

Ah. A little strange that it only works on the original folder 
reference, but that got it. Thanks, its saving the patterns.

> It would help to know how you use the bookmarks. Is it a temporary fix 
> until the function popup? Could they for example be auto generated by 
> giving a regex for all lines which should be bookmarked?

So far the bookmarks I'm setting do tend to sit near function/method 
start, but only a select two or three I'm actively working on at any 
given time. The problem I've found, is if I set a bookmark too far from 
a function/method start I lose an important marker that identifies the 
context. If the the function popup was available and updated to show 
what function I was in, my bookmarks might start moving a bit further 
astray? Dunno. I guess I'd have to try it. Or maybe I should be writing 
smaller methods :)


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