[TextMate] Project Drawer Keys

Allan Odgaard allan at macromates.com
Wed Oct 13 11:19:41 UTC 2004

I don't think this made it to any of the documentation:

When the project drawer has key focus, you can press 'space' to 
activate rename, and return to open the selected file (this should 
probably be supplemented by cmd-down as in Finder).

To activate rename with the mouse, hold down option while clicking the 
item (or use the context menu).

The reason why groups cannot be double clicked to activate rename (as 
some have requested) is that I plan to do it more like Finder in the 
future, so that double clicking a group will enter that group, and make 
the project drawer only show the files contained in the group (there'll 
be a back button of course).

Kind regards Allan

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