[TextMate] Updating TextMate?

Hans Petter Eikemo hpeikemo at gmail.com
Mon Oct 11 15:50:52 UTC 2004

> Also, if you have e.g. a default HTML bundle and you make a local HTML
> bundle, it'll overshadow the default stuff on a per directory-basis.
> So if you only make macros in your local copy, it'll only be the macros
> directory you'll need to update if you want some of the new defaults.

One idea is to have a basedOn (or derivedFrom) parameter in the syntax
so Syntax named PHP can change when HTML changes, because of its
defined dependency.

sort of like a IsA to the include parameter´s HasA

Initially was thinking only that syntaxes with same name would cascade. 
But use of inheritance will be more clear, as an accurate hierarchy is defined.

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