[TextMate] Viewing PHP output

Allan Odgaard allan at macromates.com
Sun Oct 10 11:12:56 UTC 2004

On 10. Oct 2004, at 12:25, Justin French wrote:

> Instead of the web preview, use Safari, and use the "Reload in Safari" 
> command in the commands menu (it will be renamed "Refresh Safari" in 
> 1.0.1), which we assigned to Command-R.

Also, I think justin wanted to put a default command like this in 1.0.1:
    open `echo $TM_FILEPATH | sed 

What it does is take the current file path and change the 
/Users/<your_name>/Sites/ portion into http://localhost/~<your_name>/ 
and opens it with 'open' (so it should show in your default browser).

Kind regards Allan

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