[SVN] Re: Release candidate

Hans-Jörg Bibiko bibiko at eva.mpg.de
Mon Dec 12 18:57:09 UTC 2011

Hi Allan et al.

first, TM 2 looks really good :) Congratulations!

Here my first observations:

1) splitviews
- open a file and display any of the file browser options (like SCM etc.)
- then drag the grabber to resize both views inside the splitview
- it is possible to resize them beyond the window's frame bounds
- the same for HTML output
- even show/hide file browser doesn't reset the views correctly

2) (I know very marginally :) Multibyte Input
- open a window
- change Apple's input method to e.g. Japanese (Hiragana) and type e.g. 't'
- this is what I get:

    NSUnderline = 2;
    NSUnderlineColor = "NSCalibratedWhiteColorSpace 0.17 1";

- after type 'a'

    NSUnderline = 2;
    NSUnderlineColor = "NSCalibratedWhiteColorSpace 0.17 1";
    NSUnderline = 2;
    NSUnderlineColor = "NSCalibratedWhiteColorSpace 0.17 1";

- whereby only 'た' should be displayed

3) main menu > Bundles > ... key equivalent and tab trigger overlap

- as far as I see it if a bundle command has a tab trigger AND a key equivalent defined both info will be displayed overlapped in the NSMenuItem
- e.g. JavaScript > Core > Language > Object Key - Key Value

All the best,


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