[SVN] Re: TM error editing php in MacOS-X 10.6.1

Simon Gregory simon at helvector.org
Sat Nov 7 14:19:11 UTC 2009

> 	The upgrade method I used for Ruby is the one at:
> 	http://hivelogic.com/articles/compiling-ruby-rubygems-and-rails-on-snow-leopard/

I also followed that.

> When I use CMD-/ to try to insert a comment in my source (or to make
> an existing line into a comment, or to uncomment an existing comment
> line) I get the following message inserted into the source code at the
> point of insertion:
> 	env: ruby: No such file or directory

It works for me.

The command that does all the work is the 'Comment Line / Selection'  
found in the Source.tmbundle. This command finds the interpreter  
directly, using #!/usr/bin/env ruby, so it looks like it's the 'env'  
command that's not finding ruby. Changing the commands first line to  
#!/usr/local/bin/ruby is likely to work. Or you could follow the  
suggestions, marked Important: in 8.2 here http://manual.macromates.com/en/shell_commands

Hopefully someone else has a better understanding of what may be wrong  
because I don't see why ruby isn't getting picked up by env.


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