[SVN] TM error editing php in MacOS-X 10.6.1

Tom Bajzek tom at bajzek.com
Sat Nov 7 03:52:59 UTC 2009


	I've run into an extremely strange error while editing a PHP file In  
TextMate Version 1.5.9 (1510) on 10.6.1. Perhaps someone could give me  
a clue on what's wrong.

	When I use CMD-/ to try to insert a comment in my source (or to make  
an existing line into a comment, or to uncomment an existing comment  
line) I get the following message inserted into the source code at the  
point of insertion:

	env: ruby: No such file or directory

	Now, I have a suspicion regarding this, but even if I'm right, I have  
no idea how to fix it. I had tried to follow a process followed for  
updating Ruby-on-Rails to run in 10.6.1. This process failed in trying  
to create an instance of ruby-1.8.7-p174. I suspect this process  
clobbered something that TextMate needs, but I don't know what to  
suspect or where to look. I can't be certain that the problem was  
caused by the failed Ruby installation, but I do know that I hadn't  
noticed it before that event, and I often use this method of  
commenting and uncommenting in PHP.

	The upgrade method I used for Ruby is the one at:


	If I echo $PATH, I get:

	I have not saved any shell variables in the Textmate preferences.

	A recommendation on how to proceed would be most appreciated.

Tom Bajzek

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