[SVN] Re: Help with Ctags bundle?

Gerd Knops gerti-textmate at bitart.com
Fri May 8 15:12:16 UTC 2009

On May 8, 2009, at 8:48 AM, Charles Turner wrote:

> Hi all-
> I just installed the Ctags bundle and am a bit flummoxed about what's
> going on here. I have generated a ctags file and also created the
> tmtags file, but the bundle "find" command never seems to find a tag.
> I uncommented some of the environment strings and got this:
> File: /Users/cturner/Languages/Inductive/FARG/ccat/copycat/ccat-src/
> run.lisp
> Word: codelets
> Selection: get-bottom-up-codelets
> Support: /Users/cturner/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/
> CTags.tmbundle/Support
> Tags for codelets:
> No tags found for 'codelets'.
> So it looks like the tmctags application is looking for the word
> "codelets" when I've asked for the word (via my selection) "get- 
> bottom-
> up-codelets."
It's the dashes... ATM the bundle tries to find whatever word TM gives  
it, it ignores the selection.

As a test, add '-' to the list of "Word Characters" (TextMate/ 
Preferences, Text Editing tab). That should cause 'get-bottom-up- 
codelets' to be indicated as word, which the bundle should find.

> BTW is there source available for tmctags?
It's just a perl script...

Sorry, I wish I had the cycles available to revamp that bundle. Just  
the other day I added support for ObjC, but it isn't working all that  
reliable yet (TextMate sometimes gives the entire file instead of the  
scope, don't know why).


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