[SVN] Making the commit window work with external diff'ers.
Luke Daley
ld at ldaley.com
Fri Apr 3 03:46:20 UTC 2009
The commit window app assumes that your diff invocation will return
the diff. This is not always the case. If you are using Changes.app
your invocation of svn diff doesn't actually return the diff.
The commit window app needs to be smarter in that it should try to
send anything to mate if the diff command didn't return any output.
The offending method in CommitWindowCommandLine.m is…
- (IBAction) doubleClickRowInTable:(id)sender
if( fDiffCommand != nil )
static NSString * sCommandAbsolutePath = nil;
NSMutableArray * arguments = [[fDiffCommand
componentsSeparatedByString:@","] mutableCopy];
NSString * filePath = [[[[fFilesController arrangedObjects]
objectAtIndex:[sender selectedRow]] objectForKey:@"path"]
NSData * diffData;
NSString * errorText;
int exitStatus;
// Resolve the command to an absolute path (only do this once per
if(sCommandAbsolutePath == nil)
sCommandAbsolutePath = [[self absolutePathForPath:[arguments
objectAtIndex:0]] retain];
[arguments replaceObjectAtIndex:0 withObject:sCommandAbsolutePath];
// Run the diff
[arguments addObject:filePath];
exitStatus = [NSTask executeTaskWithArguments:arguments
[self checkExitStatus:exitStatus forCommand:arguments
// Success, send the diff to TextMate
arguments = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[NSString
stringWithFormat:@"%s/bin/mate", getenv("TM_SUPPORT_PATH")], @"-a",
exitStatus = [NSTask executeTaskWithArguments:arguments
[self checkExitStatus:exitStatus forCommand:arguments
Ideally, it would be nice to have TM pop up a dialog. Which probably
means we need to invoke tm_dialog here.
I'll try and add this in, but can someone tell me how I would go about
building this damn thing? There is no xcode project or build script of
any kind to my eyes.
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