[SVN] Javascript prompt() Continually Happens on Edits after Web Preview

Joseph Pecoraro joepeck02 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 30 02:47:44 UTC 2008

This might be confusing to explain but I think if you actually go  
through the steps it
will make more sense.  If a page with javascript containing a prompt()  
is "web previewed"
then TextMate itself will continually web preview in the background  
causing the
javascript prompt() to appear over and over.  This only occurs with  
prompt, not with
confirm() or alert() which don't even show for me.

Is this a bug or expected behavior?

I made a video to show what I mean:

Here are the steps for those who didn't watch the video:

1. Create a new Document.
2. Set the Language to be HTML
3. Type or Paste:

<script type="text/javascript">

4. Show Web Preview (Window -> Show Web Preview or <control><alt><cmd>P)

Now Close the web preview and start editing the javascript in any  
way.  For instance
change the text from 'hi' to 'hello', remove the semi-colon, or start  
making a new line.
Whatever the change, after doing nothing for about half a second a new  
appears (without the web preview window).

- Joe

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