[SVN] BUG: Output Text not inserted at caret when input is Scope

Allan Odgaard throw-away-2 at macromates.com
Mon Feb 18 21:00:38 UTC 2008

On 18 Feb 2008, at 02:23, Alain O'Dea wrote:

> [...]
> I can't get this to work. I am left with text appearing after the  
> end of the scope. For clarification the scope I am working with can  
> be many lines. How do I make TextMate insert the output at the caret  
> instead of at the end of the selection/scope?

Are you using “selection or scope” as input and “insert as snippet” as  

You will sometimes get more input that what would be ideal (using a  
scope selector), but there is presently no way around that.

The Objective-C bundle has completion commands that takes current  
scope as input, you may want to look at the se for examples. If you  
still cannot get it to work, please post what you are actually doing.

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