[SVN] Groovy Grails bundle.

Allan Odgaard throw-away-2 at macromates.com
Wed Oct 24 21:13:21 UTC 2007

On 06/10/2007, at 03:33, Michael Sheets wrote:

> [...]
> * Not sure about using the ⌃⇧G shortcut for all java/xml files.  
> But allan is the expert there so I'll let him comment.

I think in this case it will be okay. ⌃⇧G is a key in the “bundle  
actions” name space, and the actions seems to be something you want  
to use in those file types if you have the Groovy Grails bundle  
enabled (in the future we can improve this by adding in a match for  
the project type in the scope selector).

I agree the name for the language grammar is a little obscure. Is GSP  
short for Grails Server Page?

I think the menu could benefit from using menu item separators. Also,  
there appears to be one empty submenu (GSP → Declarations).

Some items seems to be wrongly placed. I have else/elseif/each in the  
root menu, but if/while under GSP → Control.

For aesthetic reasons I would remove the <g:…> part around all the  
snippets that inserts this tag (it should be clear form the menu  
hierarchy what they are about). But I won’t fight hard for such  
change, just the <g:…> adds a lot of noise to the menu.

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