[SVN] rcs bundle for textmate

Justin Bishop jubishop at gmail.com
Sat Mar 10 00:22:58 UTC 2007


I emailed this list a few weeks ago in regards to a new bundle that
works with the command-line program rcs.

The bundle provides a dirt-easy-to-use version control system that
requires no set up whatsoever, with straightforward methods to
commit/revert/checkout files, along with diffing against previous
versions by both revision number and/or date.

I do think other Textmate users may find this bundle useful, and I'd
like to advocate moving it into the textmate bundles repository...
I'd be happy to take responsibility for keeping it functional, and
also to re-work from it's current state if it is not matching certain
conventions concerning how bundles should be structured.

The bundle is available for download at www.jubishop.com/RCS.zip .

The bundle works well for me.  I find it useful for maintaining small
revisions (like every time i click save), as opposed to committing to
my remote subversion repository, which is only done at milestones...

Please take a look if you have a chance, or let me know if/why/what
problems it may have.

thanks again,


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