[SVN] Tagging Bundles

Thomas Aylott (subtleGradient) oblivious at subtlegradient.com
Wed Feb 21 17:06:26 UTC 2007

On Feb 21, 2007, at 10:11 AM, Allan Odgaard wrote:
> On 21. Feb 2007, at 03:47, Thomas Aylott (subtleGradient) wrote:
>> [...]
>> What about other people?
>> How would a LaTeX person expect to find things?
>> What about a Mac Application programming guy?
> Well, let’s try to see which profiles we can come up with:
>    1. Web developer
>       a. Client side (HTML, JavaScript, CSS)
>       b. Server side (PHP, Java, Rails)
>       c. Sysadmin (Apache, Lighttp)
>    2. Writer (is Markdown, Textile, etc. here?)
>       a. Typesetting
>    3. Programmer
>       a. Scripting Language
>       b. Compiled Language
>       c. Frameworks (maybe this should just be under “related” for  
> the language it extends)
>       d. Building (?)
>    5. Musician
>    6. Scientist
>       a. Graphics (mostly plotting, and Context Free is probably  
> not really for scientists, maybe “academics” is more appropriate)
>       b. Typesetting (overlaps with 2.a)
>       c. Other (like Matlab, R, etc.)
>    7. Version control
>    8. Data storage
>       a. General purpose (JSON, YAML, Property List, XML, Ini)
>       b. Specific format (if stuff ends up here, the other  
> categories have failed)
>    9. Mac specific (MacPorts, Installer, AppleScript, Xcode,  
> Transmit, FileMerge)
>   10. Productivity (GTD, TODO, Remind)
>   11. Third party support
>       a. Wiki
>       b. Application (Vectorscript, Quake)
> I know 3.a versus 3.b will give rise to debate, and for the more  
> esoteric languages, there probably is no preconceived notion of  
> what the language is (like e.g. both Python and AppleScript are  
> considered scripting languages, despite both of them generally  
> being compiled).

This really looks a lot easier to use.

I'd say that blogging would fall in under writing and web developer.  
Maybe in an other/miscellaneous sub-tag.
Textile, Markdown, etc… would be related to blogging and html, but  
listed under a sub-tag of writing.
Wiki related stuff seems like it should go somewhere under writing  
too, but related to web.

I'd like everything to be available without having to rely on the  
related system. The related thing should just be a shortcut for  
searching for a tag of the name of the thing the button is next to.  
(EG: HTML Related button does a search for the tag "HTML")
So, with that in mind, i'd say that frameworks in general should get  
a sub-category like this, yes.

Maybe "Interpreted Language" instead of scripting language.

thomas Aylott — subtleGradient — CrazyEgg — sixteenColors
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