tags instead of categories (was Re: [SVN] New info.plist keys for description etc.)

Thomas Aylott (subtleGradient) oblivious at subtlegradient.com
Sat Feb 17 18:31:40 UTC 2007

On Feb 17, 2007, at 5:37 AM, Sebastian Gräßl wrote:

>> Ideally we'd implement a better UI in the app.
> I'm just playing around with tm_dialog, to polish the GetBundle
>> Where you can choose web, and then add on any of the web related  
>> frameworks.
>> I was planning something like that affect for bundleforge and the  
>> new getbundles stuff.
> The GetBundle_v2 will store SVN-Repository-Options in a Pref-File  
> where i will add the Bundle Forge SVN

Sounds great.

I'd love GetBundles to be able to work from the shell like rubygems  
or macports.

getbundle install javascript
getbundle find ruby

I'd like to do a web interface into the same data on bundleforge.
So you can then go to bundleforge and browse/search for a bundle and  
click a button to download or install it.
We could then integrate that website into TextMate so that it can  
tell GetBundles what to install.

Then I'd also like bundleforge to handle bundle related tickets and  
bug reports and comments and stuff.
Integrating that into TextMate would be really stinkin slick, but i'm  
not sure what the best UI for that would be.

thomas Aylott — subtleGradient — CrazyEgg — sixteenColors
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