tags instead of categories (was Re: [SVN] New info.plist keys for description etc.)

Thomas Aylott (subtleGradient) oblivious at subtlegradient.com
Fri Feb 16 20:45:35 UTC 2007

On Feb 16, 2007, at 3:02 PM, William D. Neumann wrote:
> On Fri, 16 Feb 2007, Thomas Aylott (subtleGradient) wrote:
>> framework is just too vague.
>> Having OpenGL in the same category as RubyOnRails is just silly.
>> There are enough web frameworks to justify another main category.
>> web framework  -- extra/more specific web related junk (Rails,  
>> Django, Prototype, jQuery, …)
> But isn't the point of tags to not overly specify the  
> classification of something?  Isn't it more appropriate to tag  
> rails with both framework and web, and if the user wants to narrow  
> things they con specify that they want web + framework (+ ruby/ 
> python/smalltalk/whatever)?
> William D. Neumann

If we're actually going to be implementing a tags system, then  
obviously yes.
afaik we were going to do the tags for future use and only actually  
implement a single tag as a category in the actual TextMate UI.

If so, then lumping rails and jquery in with framework is a bad idea.
Lumping them into the web "category" would be best.

Ideally we'd implement a better UI in the app.
Where you can choose web, and then add on any of the web related  

I was planning something like that affect for bundleforge and the new  
getbundles stuff.

thomas Aylott — subtleGradient — CrazyEgg — sixteenColors
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