[SVN] New info.plist keys for description etc.

Chris Thomas chris at cjack.com
Wed Feb 14 05:17:05 UTC 2007

On Feb 13, 2007, at 5:17 PM, James Edward Gray II wrote:

> I really don't see a problem with listing one person as the primary  
> maintainer.  We have three programmers at work, but we always route  
> contact for each project through one person.  That person passes the  
> word along to one of the other programmers when needed.  That's just  
> part of the job of the primary maintainer, in my opinion.

I agree; the primary maintainer has the responsibility to delegate  
support requests, and that's fine. One point of contact is simplest.  
Might consider calling it "contact" rather than "maintainer."

It might be a good idea to add a separate 'authors' field -- without  
direct email links -- so that everyone still gets credited. Or maybe  
that info would be in the description. Or maybe it's just too large a  
can of worms.


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