[SVN] Adding ZPT scope to the HTML Bundle ok?

Charilaos Skiadas skiadas at hanover.edu
Mon Feb 5 14:17:00 UTC 2007

On Feb 5, 2007, at 8:18 AM, Tom Lazar wrote:

> that's interesting and sounds good. giving ZPT the `text.html.zpt`  
> scope certainly enables all the nifty niceties of the HTML bundle,  
> however, one thing i particularly miss now is the neat colouring of  
> invalid/illegal XML.

Aren't you including the xml grammar into your grammar? I don't see  
what the top level scope name has to do with what rules are matched  
at all. Unless you include the other grammar, the coloring shouldn't  
be affected much.

Btw, we would probably be able to be more helpful if you actually  
showed us the language grammar you have at the moment, so that we  
have something concrete to work with. ;)


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