[SVN] r8757 (JavaScript JSDoc)

Michael Sheets mummer at whitefalls.org
Mon Dec 31 10:42:44 UTC 2007

On Dec 31, 2007, at 4:41 AM, Michael Sheets wrote:

> Adding review comments.

# JavaScript JSDoc Bundle Comments

Can we get a general show of hands on how widely used JSDoc is, and if  
it's the only doc system for JavaScript? If it is we might want to  
consider just moving this into the main JavaScript bundle?

* Unsure of tab trigger of /* might it be trigger by accident as  
people align comments? Would /** change that, or is it not an issue?
* The "Comment" snippet seems misnamed, it should be Doc Comment or  
similar. Or seeing as we have a block comment shortcut (⌘⌥/) we  
could either make it that a second press of the shortcut would convert  
the current comment block into a doc comment block, or make a second  
* Could move away from using CocoaDialog in favor of tm_dialog.
* Could add a new rule to the JavaScript grammar to give doc blocks  
their own scope to make the snippets more narrowly focused.

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