[SVN] Review Process?

Michael Sheets bundles at textmate.org
Fri Dec 28 09:36:12 UTC 2007

On Dec 26, 2007, at 5:16 PM, Thomas Aylott - subtleGradient wrote:

> I've been working on some stuff in the review branch.
> It's all nice and stable. But I still plan on making some more  
> changes here and there.
> What is the process for getting "review bundles" approved and moved  
> back into trunk?

Haven't really worked up any real process really, mostly either the  
bundle gets added and never touched again or the submitter has been  
very active about emailing me and seeing what the next step is, if  
that looks good yet, etc.

I can formalize a review process but the general rules would be:

1. Submit the bundle, have validate and follow the conventions and be  
added to Review. (Or alternately for changes to bundles it be moved  
over, etc)
2. Changes and additions get made, a short time passes to allow  
3. Feedback looked over, any changes made, etc.
4. Once the author is done and feels the bundle is ready for promotion  
email me so I can give it a look over. Depending on the change it may  
simply be promoted or it might be brought up for further discussion if  
the change is a good one.

> There's going to be a build released soon and I'd like to get these  
> changes released in that build.
> In particular I'd like to migrate over all the crappily implemented  
> direct plist accessing codecompletion stuff to using the better  
> implemented TM_COMPLETIONS envar based method.

Getting the TM_COMPLETIONS changes into this build should be fine,  
easy to test those. I'd like to see the big changes like the language  
grammar get some time in the trunk for the svn users to bash on before  
a build. Generally the goal should be to avoid major changes to a  
default bundle right before a build, so svn users catch any problems  
before it goes to the masses.

> Ideally there should be a page on the wiki with the official process.

Yeah, the whole Bundles section on the wiki could use some reworking;  
it's not the most intuitive to read. Need to get over my hate of the  
wiki and work up some changes there.

Michael Sheets
TextMate Bundles Moderator – bundles at textmate.org

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