[SVN] Matlab bundle

Peder Axensten peder at axensten.se
Sun Sep 10 20:23:15 UTC 2006

I'd like to get in touch with the Matlab bundle author. I got a few  
suggestions/bug fixes.

I'd like to change
foldingStartMarker = '^\s*(function|if|switch|while|for|try)\s(?!.* 
foldingStartMarker = '^\s*(function|if|switch|while|for|try)\s*(?!.* 
so that constructs like 'if(whatever)' (with no space) folds too.

In no particular order, some more keywords:
case, otherwise,
varargin, varargout, inputname,
get, findobj, allchild,
dbstack, stop, waitbar

These are just words I've came across recently. I'd be glad to do a  
more organized search if I knew it'd be used.
Maybe adding keywords from common toolboxes too, such as statistics,  
optimization, etc.?

/Peder Axensten

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