[SVN] r5590

Allan Odgaard throw-away-1 at macromates.com
Mon Oct 23 23:14:01 UTC 2006

• scrap code which converts NSIndexSet and NSIndexPath to integer arrays and instead expose two value transformers (OakIntArrayToIndexSetTransformer and OakIntArrayToIndexPathTransformer) -- so if you bind the selected indexes of an array controller or tree controller, you need to specify either of these value transformers (OakIntArrayToIndexSetTransformer for selected items in an array controller and OakIntArrayToIndexPathTransformer for selected items in a tree controller)
• minor rearrangements of code in plug-in

U   trunk/Tools/Dialog PlugIn/Dialog.mm
U   trunk/Tools/Dialog PlugIn/Dialog.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
A   trunk/Tools/Dialog PlugIn/ValueTransformers.h
A   trunk/Tools/Dialog PlugIn/ValueTransformers.mm
U   trunk/Tools/Dialog PlugIn/tm_dialog.mm

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