[SVN] r5402 (GTD2)

Mike Mellor alaskamike at gmail.com
Sun Oct 8 22:17:29 UTC 2006

On Oct 8, 2006, at 11:55 AM, Allan Odgaard wrote:

> On 8. Oct 2006, at 19:41, Mike Mellor wrote:
>> New version of the basic GTD bundle.  This one uses notation  
>> developed by Patrick Rhone <http://patrickrhone.com>.
> So now we have 3 GTD bundles? Please provide the reasoning behind  
> yet another GTD bundle, and please refrain from putting the number  
> 2 in bundle names and item titles.

Well, there are several GTD type bundles (GTD, AltGTD, Journal and  
now GTD2), but each use a different approach to GTD.  This bundle is  
based on a description of annotation devised by Patrick Rhone <http:// 
patrickrhone.com>.  I tried to implement his ideas in the original  
GTD bundle, but needed to change most of the commands to make it work  
properly.  There are a few folks out there using the GTD bundle, so I  
didn't want to mess up what is currently there.

This bundle uses -,+,^,<, and > as prefixes, in addition to the  
context that is used in the GTD bundle.  It seems like a small  
difference, but it works well in application.

As far as the name, I should have come up with something more  
descriptive.  I will change it to the OrgFu bundle, if that works.

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