[SVN] r2829 (Ruby)

Allan Odgaard throw-away-1 at macromates.com
Tue Mar 7 04:43:46 UTC 2006

• stdout and stderr for the forked process (which loads the script) are now set to a pair of pipes, so that filtering (escaping) of output will happen even when that output isn’t going through the (previously modified) STDOUT object
• output sent to stderr now show up as red

There is a bit of code-duplication and I would like to refactor slightly, but I will coordinate with Sune first ;) I am calling out to the shells mkfifo to get the named pipes simply because I failed to use Ruby’s IO.pipe to take the place of file descriptor 1 and 2 — the latter would be more elegant though…

It would be nice to hear from some of those who run things via RubyMate (webrick, unit tests, or similar) which previously failed to have their output properly formatted — I have only tested this with my made-up test cases (calling system() and let that output something)

U   trunk/Bundles/Ruby.tmbundle/Support/tmruby.rb

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